December 10, 2009


Tadi baru tengok ticker kat blog.
It says : "12 days until our 3rd Anniversary"
Ape pun tak prepare lagi!
Nak bagi hadiah ape? Nak masak ke? Nak makan luar ke?
Aarghhh tetibe tension sendiri..

p/s : Ada suggestion tak nak bagi ape hehe

This is very BAD!!!

Still haven't done anything yet.
Memang malas. Bila la nak sampai wake up call nih?
Maybe bila diri sendiri dah tak boleh makan donuts Big Apple, kena makan kat rumah je, sedar orang lain sume dah pakai iPhone (ooohhh malam tadi mimpi pakai iPhone lagi huhu) baru nak sedar diri sendiri kena bangun pegi keje buat ward rounds kena marah dengan senior specialist buat keje macam kuli attend patients yang macam2 perangai tu.


Bebeh2 ku : Ada tak party untuk orang yang baru nak keje macam party untuk orang yang nak kawen hehe :p
Weh janji 1st gaji belanje korang eh? eh second gaji la. 1st gaji mak aku suh belanje gi Avilion. abesssss :)

December 9, 2009

At least ada la exercise paling sekali dalam 4 bulan

Gambar masa pegi Avillion hari tu.
Best wooo pegi. Pastu bila balik gigit jari tengok duit abes.
Gigit jari gak sebab nak simpan duit cover balik duit pegi berjoli.
Takpela at least di sana 2 kali pegi swimming ngan budak kecik tu.
Siap kena dukung lagi sebab dia takut nak masuk pelampung.
Huh dah brapa banyak kalori terbakar tu heh.
Duit pun terbakar haha.

Tengokla rambut tak basah pun masa swimming

Boleh jadi model Arena pasni :p

Dapat spent time ngan family,

Lepas nih target Langkawi lak.
Pastu kang balik gigit jari tangan ngan jari kaki skali haha.

December 7, 2009

In a State of Denial

Grad - Check  

Maid for Aiman - Check  

Online application to SPA - Not yet  

Call SPA to fix the date for interview - Not yet  

Print the interview form - Check  

Fill up the interview form - Not yet  

Report to MMC - Not yet  

Report to JPA - Not yet  

Choose 3 hospitals to work - Still choosing  

Aaaarggghhhhh!!!! I am soooo demotivate to work. Only one thing that motivates me right now is that it is soooo impossible to live 'happily' in Kl without both husband and wife working. Yes my only reason to go to work is because i need MONEY!!! Mostly it is because this budak kecik :

Budak nih dah setahun setengah. Dah besar tinggi dah. Vocab pun dah banyak. Setiap malam sebelum tido mesti nak rehearse semua vocab dia. Siap suh Mommy ikut skali cakap :p

October 14, 2009

Maafkan saya

Sorry lama tak update! Busy layan budak kecik
yang dah pandai lari+main+nak attention+nak main game+
nak main laptop+nak dukung kat belakang+dah pandai panggil "Mii!"
yang tak boleh kalau mommy takde depan mata dia mesti tak senang duduk.

To Mirwan n Ella : congrats baby Hana sangat cute. Labor experience mmg sangat sakit dan penat yet priceless :)

To Tok n Tokki : Happy Anniversary! :)

To Fura : Tak sabarnye nak gi wedding ko! Apa theme colour baju?

To Daddy : Esok oncall, Sabtu oncall, Isnin depan oncall... take care of yourself kay?

To Aiman : Esok kita jumpa ye? Mommy dah rindu ni. Nak main nyorok2, pastu main masak2, punggah periuk kat dapur, read story books.. Mommy sayang Aiman..

Semakin mendekati hari untuk start keje. No more duduk rumah main ngan Aiman, rilek2, kena bangun pagi2, adoiiii :(

July 29, 2009

Wow how time flies. Sigh.

Apela aku membebel masa ni??

Tak sangka betul. Since dari gambar ni diambil, dah nak dekat 5 tahun kot. Wow. How time flies. Really flies. Like flying jet. Giler cepat. Boleh tak nak macam ni je *sebab muka sangat bersih dan muda dan ayu dan kurus dan masih muat kalau pakai jeans tak macam sarung nangka amek ko :p*. Tapi time ni belum ada Aiman. Hmm tak jadi la. Tak kesahla time flies berape laju pun. Yang penting life skrang sangat happy sebab ada budak kecik tu yang bila Mommy balik dari opis akan tunggu depan rumah dengan perut buncit dan terus peluk dan bagi wet kiss penuh air liur masam kat pipi Mommy. Oooohhh heaven!! :)

p/s: Yah, kata nak blog pasal baby Mau :p

July 21, 2009

Owen adalah my hero :)

Curi Kak Leen punye tag. Takpe eh? :)

*1. He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
Call of Duty 4. Game PS3 dia. Jarang tengok tv.

*2. You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
Jarang lak amek salad2 nih. Thousand island kot.

*3. What’s one food he doesn’t like?
pulut. hehe

*4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
fish n chips/nasi goreng/nasi lemak, ice lemon tea/teh o ais limau

*5. Where did he go to high school?
banting n mrsm muar

*6. What size shoes does he wear?
saiz 8.

*7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
game PS3 dia.

*8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
tuna sandwich

*9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
pringles. drive pun bleh makan :p

*10. What is his favorite cereal?
coco pops.

*11. What would he never wear?
pink and yellow. mana nak.

*12. What is his favorite sports team?
liverpool. kena ikut saya.

*13. Who did he vote for?
undi adalah rahsia.

*14. Who is his best friend?
usop, reza, suki, paan, omar, lava, mr. jahangir :p

*15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do?
Puji lebih2 Owen tu best n hensem, Michael Scofield sgt macho n hensem :p

*16. What is his heritage?
terengganu huhu

*17. What is his favourite colour?

*18. What is his habit?
kunci pintu time solat. camne nak masuk bilik?

*19. What is he proud of?
our little family :)

*20. Lastly, do you think he will read this?
takpe. balik keje kang suruh die bukak bace :)

-Puan Yah
-Cik Nadot
-Puan Rose
-Puan Ella
-Puan Asyikin a.k.a Anyah
-Cik Afikah a.ka. Alang
*ini je la yang rajin baca blog saya*

Aiman bersukan

Aiman minggu lepas bersukan. Masuk acara lari-lari tak nak berenti. Memang aktif sungguh. Dukung pun tanak. Nak lari je. Panas pun Aiman tak kesah. Berpeluh sampai merah2 muka dia. Excited dapat lari kat padang luas and tengok orang ramai. Sume suka tengok dia lari2 camtu. Macam takde masalah kat dunia hehe. Balik rumah, makan, mandi bersih2 sume terus kong. Tido lama gak tuh. Sian dia penat. Nanti kita ajak Daddy gi bersukan pulak eh? *Daddy tu susah sket bab2 bersukan ni :p

Muka kalah acara lari2 tanak berenti :p

Korang sume weekend hari tu buat ape?

July 13, 2009

Yesterday at KLCC

Daddy dapat balik awal yesterday from the hospital. Attendings round awal. *sayang specialist tu dpt lepaskan HOs awal hehe*. So we decided to go to KLCC and bring Aiman along. Last time pegi KLCC adalah zaman waktu 2nd year medic school dulu. Skang sudah kawin, anak satu dah pandai jalan pulak tu hehe. How time flies....

Before we go out, Aiman main2 ngan another of his 'best friend' yaitu......

apsal topi ni besar sangat?

tudung saji... Suka sangat main benda ni. Kalau larang mesti nangis. Sekarang kalau nak kuar mesti kena bawak botol susu. Mommy agak blur sket sebab selama ni kuar tak payah bawak susu sbb breastfeed. Memandangkan Aiman dah start minum formula, kena la bawak susu nak minum dalam keta. When all set,

nampak x beg banyak barang tu?

kami pun gerakla. Memang plan nak pakai blue for today's outing, tapi Daddy pakai baju biru yang tak biru langsung. So kita tak geng ngan Daddy lah. Sepanjang jalan ke KLCC Aiman tido je. It's good coz Mommy n Daddy can have a little sweet talk and a nice discussion about our little family future. Kalau Aiman tak tido, jenuh nak melayan dia nak usik sana sini :p.

Sampai je KLCC, Aiman dah bangun. Kami terus menuju ke tempat makan sebab perut lapar (save perut untuk gi jalan2 hehe). Makan kat A&W. Wujud lagi rupanya tapi penampilan baru la. Order burger *dalam gambar besar tapi dapat2 seciput je :(*. Aiman sempat mengorat sorang minah mat saleh ni : "Ooh he's so friendly!". Lepas makan, kita bergambar dulu ngan bear besar,

Aiman takut, Mommy terlebih happy :)

Lepas tu Daddy try skill photography,

Aiman nak jalan sendiri tanak pegang tangan Mommy dah,

Kami jalan2 sekeliling KLCC sebab dah lama tak datang sini. Mommy pegi kedai Sox World, terkejut sebab harga mahal tapi stokin dia..

Next stop, kita pegi naik kereta,

Aiman terlebih excited sebab suka sangat dapat pegang stereng,

Sampai dah abes pun tanak turun. Nangis jerit2 sampai satu KLCC dengar *tipula tu.okay Mommy lebih2 hehe*. Last2 Mommy n Daddy mengalah la..bagi Aiman naik lagi. Tapi next kereta ni Mommy dah tak larat amek gambar dah. Penat kena kejar Aiman, kasut tercabutla, kena pakai balik, Aiman nak jalan sendiri la, nak naik escalator sendiri....Fuuuhhhhhh penat sungguh kalau anak dah start aktif camni. But overall it was fun. We enjoyed it sebab Daddy belikan setiap sorang benda untuk dibawa pulang.Aiman dapat toy, Mommy dapat novel n Daddy dapat buku game dia :)

Next time, specialist2 buat la rounds awal ye. Bleh kami sefamily meluangkan quality time together2 lagi :)

July 10, 2009

Apa yang saya dah boleh buat?

Saya dah boleh :
- Jalan laju2.
- Lari lambat2.
- Bawak sendiri "imaginary car' saya.
- Minum susu soya formula dalam botol.
- Tunjuk nak pegi mana.
- Pegi tegur budak pompuan kat KLIA tadi :)
- Main PS3 Daddy game kereta.
- Pegang pensel lukis garis2.
- Pegang pensel conteng dinding bilik Mommy Daddy.
- Babab orang yang tak bagi saya pegang benda2 kotor.
- Send sms kat orang tapi kosong la hehe.
- Tekan2 skrin hp Mommy kunun2 cam touch screen iPhone nenek.
- Hmm ape lagi Mommy takleh nak ingat. Nanti dah ingat update lagi :)

- Mommy dah ingat. Aiman bleh tido ngan tepuk2 je skang.
- Dah pandai joget hip hop kalau dengar music ape pun.
- Pandai smayang. Pandai baca doa pastu amin.
- Bagi pipi untuk Mommy kiss.
- Slalu datang kat Mommy pastu peluk hehe.
- Main kejar2 n nyorok2 favourite game dia.
- Kunun2 naik keta merah pastu masukkan kunci kat blekang stereng. Tau tu kat mana masuk kunci :p
- Pandai main basketball mainan dia tu.
- Kalau amek apepun dari dia mesti nangis teruk2 macam kena pukul tau.
- Kalau jalan kat shopping mall, tanak pegang tangan Mommy dah. Nak jalan sendiri.
- Smalam jalan2, tau je nak masuk kedai mainan. Kedai bukan mainan tanak masuk.
- Kalau naik keta mesti nak usik sume benda yang ada kat depan.

July 9, 2009

Kereta Kecil Warna Merah

Kereta 'sport' saya

Saya suka naik kereta merah

Mommy la mangsa kena tolak :p

'Bapaku pulang dari kota,

Bapaku belikan kereta.

Kereta kecil warna merah,

Bolehku bawa ke sekolah.

Pom pom pom pom pom,

kereta kecilku berbunyi.

Marilah adik mari naik,

bolehku bawa jumpa nenek.'

Korang ingat tak lagu ni? Dulu Mommy suka lagu ni hehe. Tapi Mommy dulu takde la Kereta Merah macam Aiman. Ni Tok Ki yang belikan. Bestla Tok Ki ni hehe. Aiman suka sangat naik kereta nih. Sampai kalau kat dalam rumah pun mesti akan konon2 main ngan 'imaginary car' dia. Even kalau nampak benda bulat macam stereng, dia akan start la main keta-keta. Besar nanti nak jadi Alex Yoong kot. Eh tapi takleh la Aiman, bahaya. Aiman dah besar bawak Mommy round2 naik keta besar Aiman k? :)

July 8, 2009

1 year birthday bash!

11th June 2009 - Mommy balik dari Jogja semata-mata nak sambut beday Aiman nih. Sampai KL malam Jumaat, Sabtu kul 2 dah mula party. Buat kecik2 je, invite close family n ada some of Daddy's cose friends. To my email loop geng, nanti kita buat party lain cam party bujang shidah tu hehe.

1st birthday cake

with close family

muka budak dah 1 tahun :)

happy face. my favourite pic :)

Semoga Aiman besar jadi budak soleh, dengar kata, jadi tahfiz, xjadi doktor pun takpe, tak kaya pun takpe asal besar duduk ngan Mommy, xyah ada girpren so xyah kawen so selamanya duduk bawah ketiak Mommy :) Mommy Daddy loves you.

p/s : Aiman skang dah boleh lari dah. Jalan slow2 dia tanak. Penat mau kejar.

April 21, 2009

Not the first word. 20th April 2009

Mommy pakaikan serkop :p

My comel son today said "Ma ma. Ma ma". It's like I own the world. Not his first word but I can live with that :) I love you darling.... Diriku sungguh bahagia dan bangga :p

March 24, 2009

Berdiri - Tuesday 24th March

happy birthday madeline! hope u have a blast one :)

hari ni Aiman dah bleh berdiri sendiri. pagi ni dah 3-4 kali dia berdiri sendiri. lama gak dia balance. hmm. tak lama lagi dah berjalan la tu. hai anakku..cepat sungguh kamu membesar.

nanti update lagi. saje nak mark this date dengan entry aiman bleh berdiri. nanti ada masa sambung cite kat Perak pulak.

March 20, 2009

Stay At Home Mom

Wednesday - Went to Dr.Ali for 9 Month check up. Everything went well. Very good is all that we got from the doctor. Aiman's milestones is consistent with his age. He's 8.5kgs now!. Went to KLIA at night to pick up Abah from Mesir. Sad..nothing for us but never mind hehe. Thursday - Do nothing except the usual house chores and bla bla bla..

Heard that one of my friend involved in an accident during her journey to her husband kampung. Hopefully sume okey Shiedah. Get well soon!

Just wanna share with you all this article. It lightens up my day (or night? skang kul 2 pagi??!)

The Myth of the Stay-at-Home Mom

Being a "stay-at-home mom" is by no means related to the term "non-working," in any way, shape, or form! In fact, mothers who choose to stay home have one of the most demanding and important jobs in today's society. This is a career that requires seven, on-call 24 hour shifts, each and every week, 52 weeks a year.

The world's stereotypical image of the "stay-at-home mom" is a woman sitting on her sofa, eating bonbons and watching soap operas all day. The real truth is that the job of raising children never ends. It's not a job where you get to leave work at the office, or clock out after an 8-hour shift. There are always things needing attention, such as: meals that need preparing or cleaning up from, mountains of laundry to wash, dry, and put away, a home that needs constant cleaning, doctor visits, soccer practice, and grocery shopping - just to name a few.

Full-time mothers get the first call when volunteers are needed for any school function, field-trip or fundraiser. If you choose to be a full-time mom, you probably won't be home very much. You will find yourself organizing trips, running bake-sales and driving children whose parents are stuck at work to museums. You put in all the work of "working parents" without the paychecks or the breaks.

The rewards of participating in, and the impact on your children's learning, development, and values is priceless. Raising children as a full-time mom is a career that requires a multitude of skills, including patience, wisdom, and thinking quickly on your feet. All are key elements of successful parenting. Another "perk" to staying at home to raise your children is that your parenting guilt level is greatly reduced. You'll never have to question the quality of your child's care, or if you are spending enough "quality" time with them.

Do you get sick days or vacation time? For most full-time, those benefits are not an option, unless you physically cannot get out of bed or are fortunate enough to have hired help or help from a loving spouse, relative, or close friend. Your work needs to be accomplished so the household doesn't fall apart. Even when you're sick, it's business as usual.

If you are or are considering being a full-time mom, give yourself a pat on the back and a whole lot of credit. When you calculate just how much it would cost your family to hire someone to do all that, you do, you realize just how valuable choosing to be a stay-at-home mom can be to your family!

March 18, 2009

Tuesday 17th March

Spring cleaning the kitchen. Cooked for dinner. Sweet sour ikan bawal. Okey la kot. Tak habis pun sume makan. Aku pun tak makan. Takpe next time try lagi. Cooked Aiman's food for stock 1 week. Kena tambah sup sket nanti. 

Hari ni Aiman stayed up from 5 o'clock in the evening until 12 midnight. Sungguh bertenaga! where did he got all of his energy??? Lately dia breastfeed pun dah kurang. Tau main je. Good sign i think.

Hari ini dalam sejarah. Kaki Aiman masuk selumbar. Tapi dia macam tak perasan. Aku tengok pun ngilu gak. Dia tido je tadi terus amek ketip kuku, siap 1 gayung air dettol n cotton bud. Takut gak nak kuarkan selumbar tu, tapi kena berani gak. Nanti infection lagi payah. Last2 dapat kuarkan, Horray! terus letak air dettol to prevent infection. Hai anak jantanku...sungguh lasak! :)

March 12, 2009

Ape pasal ko camtu??

People could be so naive kan??

Tengok sesuatu cuma dari 1 perspektif sahaja.

Belajar dah tinggi dah tapi rasanya mungkin belum cukup.

Pandangan anda mencerminkan siapa diri anda.

I pity you. Seriously. Kesian.

Well just my 2 cents.

March 3, 2009

Memory remains

Yes. No. Mula2 plan pastu tak jadi seperti yang di plan. haha.

I want my child to have Ahmad in his name. So I asked hubby to find another. He likes Aiman. So Wan Ahmad Aiman it is.

Wow! Wow! Betol ke ni??


Bulan puasa dapat penuh. Tak penah dalam seumur hidup. Pastu Raya makan banyak giler ok! Sampai makanan orang lain aku bleh habiskan hehe.


I want, Hubby doesn't want. But I told him anyway haha.

12th June 2008

Sket2. Night sickness pun ada gak.

Macam. Dunkin donuts, chocolate pudding, durian, sambal goreng Johor, karipap, and dah nak dekat beranak tu mesti nak gigit ice je. Heaven! :)

My feet.

Boy :)

Mana2 tak kesah.



Not relevant

Hehe. Pregnancy takdela. BP normal sumer. Labour jela. Kena buat emergency C-Sect.

Subang Jaya Medical Centre.

6.5 hours.

Umi and Abah. Hubby kat Jogja lagi time tu :(

The Obgyn, anesthesiologist, nurse (kot?). Tidola time tu.


Sume jenis medicine aku amek. Inject, Gas, last2 epidural.

3.44 kg

01.45am 11th June 2008. Same with the doctor who delivered him :)

Wan Ahmad Aiman.

8 months 23 days old.

Haha. Tunggu Aiman dah masuk Darjah 1 ye cik abang. :p

New Addition!

Well despite of the sad entry previously, this blog will be fill by lots of pictures from the new camera. Alhamdulillah, ada rezeki lebih :) PhotoMama, here I come!

SuperMommy n SuperDaddy

Lama tak update blog. Rindu rasanya. 

Sibuk ngan Aiman. Sejak dah bleh merangkak nih, memang time tido dia sket je. Mostly main je la. Kalau tak tengokkan dia, adalah yang tergolek ke belakang hehe sebab selain merangkak, Aiman dah boleh berdiri (with support). Bila dah tiba malam, memang dah tak larat. Still got time to bloghopping tapi haven't got time to blog.

Bercakap tentang bloghopping, I came across this blog about SuperMommy, another SuperMommy and another SuperMommy! Not to forget SuperDaddy!

Tidak mengupdate blog juga berkaitan dengan sedikit permainan perasaan dan fikiran yang menghantui diri saya. Tak payahla saya nak jelaskan di sini, cukuplah biar suami je yang tahu hehe. But to be fair, it's a little about myself, my future, my surroundings.

Tapi setelah membaca perjalanan hidup Super2Mommy dan SuperDaddy, saya rasa bersyukur sangat! Beruntung sangat! Walaupun ini mungkin bukan jalan hidup yang aku rancang, tapi sekurang2nya jalan hidup ini tidak diuji seperti mereka. Mereka sangat tabah! I salute them all!

Selepas ini, tidak ada lagi whining tak tentu pasal.
Ramai lagi yang diuji dengan ujian lebih hebat.

Kalau Aiman aktif sangat, takpe Mommy boleh jaga.
Kalau Aiman suka merangkak ke sana ke mari, Mommy bleh kejar.
Kalau Aiman nak susu, Mommy yang demam boleh lari2 pergi bagi susu kat Aiman.
Kalau Aiman demam, Mommy yang demam boleh tengok Aiman.
Kalau Aiman merengek je, Mommy boleh layan.
Kalau Aiman nak dukung, takpe Mommy boleh dukung.
Kalau Aiman tido malam kul 3 pagi, Mommy boleh tak tido sampai Aiman tido.

Asalkan Aiman happy, sihat, dah cukup untuk Mommy. Love you darling! :)

February 8, 2009

Hari ini dalam sejarah

Lately rasa malas gile nak buat entry baru..macam takde motivation nak tulis. Pape pun entry ini dibuat dalam keadaan terpaksa untuk menambah entry biar nampak banyak sket post yang dah tulis pastu bangga dengan diri sendiri walaupun entry memang tak berfaedah langsung (biarla nih kan blog aku)

Bulan Januari dan Februari 2009 : Aiman dah tumbuh 3 batang gigi (gambar menyusul nanti lah ye). 1 gigi kapak kat atas (besar ye!) dan 2 gigi kat bawah. Suka sangat gigit Mommy sejak ada gigi nih. Hisap susu pun suka gigit2. Notty Aiman! :)

28 Jan 2009 : Aiman dah start merangkak. Tak perasan pun dia merangkak. Mommy tengah tengok tv citer ape ntah kat Astro tu..pastu Aiman bising2 nak mainan dia. Mommy agaknya tak dengar kot (padahal kat sebelah je nih kes kusyuk tengok tv nih hehe), pastu Aiman pun dengan sendirinya merangkak dan mencapai mainan dia! Pandai anak mommy nih! Since then, penat woi nak jaga dia takut terhantuk dinding la, nak capai bucu la, nak makan kain la, nak panjat kerusi la, badan orang la.. macam2.

5 Feb 2009 : Aiman cakap "Ma ma, Ba ba". Hehe. Nih lagi lawak. Aiman nak suruh Mommy dukung tapi time tu Mommy tengah tengok tv citer ape ntah kat Astro tu Mommy pun buat do no la ngan Aiman lagipun Aiman bukannye ringan sangat asyik nak dukung je. Pastu tetibe Aiman sebut "Ma ma Ba ba".. Haaaaa!! Mommy terkejut (campur cair campur bahagia sangat) terus Mommy dukung Aiman peluk cium sume suruh "Cakap lagi cakap lagi cepat" hehe.

7 Feb 2009 : Aduh anakku ini tetiba bleh cakap "Da da" pulak... Since then dia dah jadi chatter box kat umah ni. Tak berenti2 cakap! Tapi suka dengar Aiman cakap. Sangat comel giler. Tapi bile dah bleh cakap "Da da" tanak cakap "Ma ma Ba ba"..Hmmmm.. :(

Tunggu lagi lepas ni Aiman nak buat surprise ape lagi hehe.

p/s : Baby Balqis and Baby Rania dah bleh cakap ape??

February 1, 2009

2 News

Yesterday I said to my Hubby :

Naem : " You want to hear the good news or the bad news first?"

Hubby : "Good news first"

Naem : "It's negative"

Hubby : "And the bad news is..?"

Naem : "Perut buncit ni semua yang mengisi kompem adalah lemak ye!!!"

January 27, 2009

Women $ Money

Bagus tak buku ni?? Teringin nak baca. Tapi....harga RM 99.90 ok? :p

Now or never

Thank you Tok Ki for the pants and shoes :)

Dr. Oz on Oprah show just now said, "For 2 weeks just stop your soft drinks! 100 calories less a day can prevent you from obesity and diabetes.  Soft drinks has 160 calories in it! It's not the gas that I'm worried about, it's the sugar".

Okay, stop air gas skang. Lagipun kan tengah boikot :)

Anak Jepun sesat :)

January 25, 2009

Tooth Fairy, where are you?

Hi naem,

As with most developmental milestones, there is no standard for when teething will begin, how long it will last, or how painful it will be. A baby's first tooth usually comes in around the seventh month, although it can arrive as early as three months or as late as a year. Some common signs and symptoms of teething include:

Gigi Aiman dah tumbuh okey? Gigi bawah dah kuar sket, gigi atas tu malu2 lagi tapi dah nampak dah. Memang seminggu gak dia cranky. Demam sket n manje banyak!

Swelling - Swelling of the gum tissue is usually the first sign of impending tooth eruption.

Flushing or rash - Your child's cheek may appear flushed or develop a slight rash near where the tooth is erupting.

Swelling mcm takde, rash kat leher ada tapi sebab saya makan ayam kot hari tu hehe.

Drooling - Teething babies usually produce more saliva and drool excessively.

Memang air liur meleleh je setiap masa huhu.

Crankiness- Teething babies are often unusually cranky and irritable and may not sleep well.

Ye sangat cranky!

Try the following tips to help soothe teething pain:

Biting hard objects - Give your child hard objects such as teething rings, as these can ease some of the pain.

Cold - Frozen food such as a popsicle or frozen banana may also soothe your baby's gums during teething.

Numbing - There are several baby-safe teething gels available, such as Baby Orajel or Baby Ambesol, that you can apply directly to your baby's sore gums. However, some of these gels contain sugar so use them sparingly.

Baby ibuprofen - If your baby is going through a particularly painful phase, baby ibuprofen may help. As always, check with your pediatrician before giving any medication to your baby.

Bagi gak dia makan mainan dia tapi yang rasa selamat untuk masuk mulut la. Kalau ubat2 nih takyah kot. Lagipun macam dia nak bukak mulut untuk kita kan?

January 24, 2009

View from the window

My view when i blog.

What you like about being mom

What's your favorite thing about being a mom? Is it the joy you get in shaping a new little person? Or do you live for the quiet moments of cuddling? What's your least favorite thing? The constant dependency or sleep-deprivation? In your journal, write about your favorite, and not-so-favorite things about being Aiman's mom.

My favorite thing about being a mom is that I get to love my child unconditionally and he's loving me back unconditionally. His smile is so sincere. His laugh reminds you that the world is yours. That there's nothing to be afraid of. He seemed so secure. My world is complete. That's good enough for me. Plus he is soooo cute! (Mak mana tak puji anak sendiri?)

My least favorite thing I think it's gonna be... yes the constant dependency and sleep-deprivation. He cannot being left without me (bagus ke tak sebenarnya ni?). I think maybe because of the exclusive breastfeeding (still breastfeeding) and the 24/7 'just you and me' day by day. It's not that I don't try tapi cuba cakap nak letak dia kat mana? Sume kan pegi keje?? Dah cari orang nak jaga tapi lepas sehari mintak balik! Mereng tol! Sleep?? Apa tu? People who went for on-calls actually have more sleep than me like 4-5 hours more (Okey bad example hehe) Well nak merungut ke? You asked for this. "Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better. 

Apsal part least favorite thing lagi banyak? :p

January 23, 2009

Crazy wish

Salah tak kalau nak yang ni?

Travelling Sleeping

Hi naem!
Have you traveled with Aiman yet? How did he react to flying or the long car ride? Some babies are naturals while others take some time to get used to the idea. Giving him lots of love and reassuring him that you are there will help him to relax.

Penah je travel long distance ngan Aiman hari tu time Raya blik kampung kt Johor. Mind you yang kiteorng balik hari okey? hehe. Because the next day my parents had to go to Mesir for work. And tau tak sepanjang perjalanan apa yang Aiman buat?


Tak bangun-bangun.

Sampai baru bukak mata.

Next time bleh la jalan2 lagi ye. Kan Daddy? :p

January 21, 2009

Anak bujang tang tang

Anak bujangku :)
Dah besar dah.
7 Bulan.
Pejam celik je nak dekat setahun.
Aiman jadi kecik je sampai bile2 bleh tak? :)

p/s: Maafkan dress code Aiman (baju lain seluar lain hehe)

January 19, 2009

Malas la katakan

Memang malas nak updaate. Buat banyak entry pastu scheduled kan. Entry copy paste je dari mana2 yang rasa berkenan di hati. Sama la macam entry sebelum ni. Dan yang ini. Nah. Rasa macam kena kat batang hidung sendiri, But still credit goes to the owner la kan.

Someone said (or type) :

"Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better.
  Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills.
  Don't wish for more challenges, wish for more wisdom."

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusanku.......

January 18, 2009

Heaven's World

Came across this while i was bloghopping :

A Muslim wife can work if she wants to, and, again, she does not have to spend one dime on the family if she so chooses. Furthermore, for those Muslim wives that do choose to be stay-at-home moms, cooking and cleaning are not Islamically-mandated chores. If a Muslim stay-at-home mom also cooks and cleans, it is because she is a wonderful person. If she so desires, and the husband can afford it, she can ask for a maid, or as I like to call it, a "domestic executive assistant." 

Baca tuh Daddy. Hehe. Heaven's World isn't it? :)

January 17, 2009

Tag tag tagging

Tag oleh Kak Leen. So inilah dia :

Do you think you are hot??
Erm TAk. Perut needs some working. And paha too :(

Upload your favourite picture.

Why do you like the picture??
Saya rasa perangai anak saya ikut saya (tak sia2 tahan sakit 7 jam)

When was the last time you ate pizza??
Ntahla. Dah lama tak makan. Lagipun skang kan tengah boicot.

The last song you listen to..
Lagu dari mainan 'Moo" Aiman. "Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle all the way.." Asyik dengar tu siang malam.

What name do you prefers besides yours?
Nama saya dah cukup best. Terima kasih.

People to tag:
1. Pn. Fatiyahh. (Anda dah pernah buat ke tag ini?)
2. Ude besar. (ye anda. Blog dah siap blom?)
3. Ude kecik dan Alang (kire satu la ni ye :p)
4. Dr.Adz Ariff (kalau ada masa la ye)
5. Ella wife Mirwan.

Who is No 1?
My kawan segeng dari zaman skolah dulu hehe

No 3 is having a relationship with..
Erm Ude takde kot. Alang ngan Encik Sh**q*

Say something about no 5
Dia adalah wife kepada kawan sekolah rendah saya sampai skolah menengah dan dia datang kawen saya.

How about no 4?
Ehm tak kenal pun. Blogger gak buzy jadi HO kat Selayang Hosp pun sempat blogging lagi hehe.

Who is no 2?
Dia adalah adik saya yang paling sengal (dan paling bleh diharap) --- Bagi hadiah ye pas ni.

Sesape yang dah kena tag..buat la ye. dah takde idea nak post entry ape baik buat tag ni hehe.

January 13, 2009

Dulu, Kini dan Selamanya

Saya sebenarnya telah di tag oleh Kak Leen. Tapi belum ada mood nak buat tag. Nanti la ye kak. So letak gambar lagi la.

Masa muda2 belum berpacaran *wink*

Dah tua sket sudah berpacaran

Dah kawen tatau dah pregnant time nih :)

Dah confirm pregnant asyik hunting kedai makan best2 kat Jogja

Dah lama kawen dah beranak dan ada anak


Ada macam muka en.hubby saya kan? kan?

Oh call me perasan or whatever...tak kesahhhh :p

~Our Little Family~