November 29, 2008


Berbahagialah wahai isteri...
Baru ku tahu..rupanya amalan membelikan 'hadiah' untuk si 'permaisuri' ketika si suami bepergian itu merupakan sunnah Rasulullah SAW...
meski pun cuma seketul batu... 

Yang pasti bukan material yang diinginkan oleh seorang isteri tapi cukuplah sekadar sebuah ingatan walaupun rindunya jauh...

Sayang, Semoga selamat pergi dan selamat pulang. Kami di sini menunggu kepulanganmu untuk keluarga kita bersama2 lagi :)

Taken from kak nida's blog..(lama tak jumpa akak :)

November 28, 2008

Hati kecilku berkata..



Di Malaysia maupun di Jogja....

I miss you guys..

A lot....

Thank you for the support that u all gave me

Without korang mesti aku down gile skang

You know who you are :)

Seminggu lagi

Seminggu lagi nak tunggu hubby balik.

Seminggu lagi la nak Raya Haji.

Seminggu lagi En.Hubby nak start posting kat Kajang Hospital.

Seminggu lagi la untuk pegi jumpa Dr.Ali untuk Aiman's 3rd Hepatitis Jab.

Seminggu lagi la aku kena meneruskan pelan peralihan nih.

November 25, 2008


Well I'm back
Back at KL

Aku tanak dah lalui pengalaman traumatik macam tu.
Aku pun tanak Aiman trauma camtu skali.

Sabtu pagi tu dah siap2 nak ke epot. Aku dah peking sume. Dah bagi my last breastfeeding to him. Memang dah mindset nak pegi abeskan my degree n get my Dr. Bila sessi berbye2 dengan Umi, dan adik2, (en.hubby takde, kursus) and last but not least with him, aku dah meleleh2. Bukan sket tau, sampai bengkak mata tersumbat hidung. Padahal dia tido je time tu. Rasa nak cancel je flight. Tanak pegi pun. Tapi aku gagahkan jua kaki tabahkan hati. Lepas kiss Aiman (tu pun kiss skali je sebab dia tido) aku terus masuk LCCT tak pandang belakang dah...

Petang tu aku dah sampai Jogja aku rasa kosong sangat. 
Sunyi. Sepi. Boring. Sucks. Loser. 
Anything negative sume aku rasa. 
Aku benci. Hate. Marah. Rindu. Sedih.
Aku call Mesia tanya Aiman camne. Dia still tido lagi. Ok. Dia tak meragam pape pun.
Aku lega la sket. Aku pegi siap2 nak beli barang n settle things down kat kost lama.

Malam tu aku call lagi Mesia. Aiman cari mak dia. Pusing kiri. Pusing kanan. Dia bising sket2 je. Tapi try bagi susu kat botol dia tanak lagi. "Takpe. Mungkin kalau dia lapar bebetul nanti dia minum la". Hatiku berkata. Mak aku pun kata takpe. Biasala tu baru sehari kena tinggal ngan mak.

Tengah malam aku call lagi. Aiman dah start meragam. Dia tanak minum pun susu. Susu EBM yang aku tinggalkan pun dia tanak. Dia minum air kosong je. Pastu menangis lama2. Time tu Allah je la tahu perasaan aku. Aku dah tak peduli apa dah. Aku nak balik tengok anak aku. Tapi mak aku kata takpe. Skang dia tengah tido. Kita tengok lagi 2-3 hari camne. Kalau takleh gak aku kena balik. Malam tu the first night ever aku tido tanpa Aiman disisi. Aku tido ngan baju busuk dia. AKu cium baju n stokin dia. Everytime aku bau baju dia, mesti aku nangis. Aku nak anak aku...

Kul 5 pagi tu aku dapat call dari Mesia. Mak aku call. Kata Aiman nangis tak henti2 dari kul 2 sampai kul 4.30 pagi. Nangis jerit. Mak aku kata macam kena rasuk. Macam orang mati mak. Aiman tetap tanak minum sket pun. Nampak botol je terus jerit nangis. Sua botol pun dia tutup mulut dia. Dia sanggup lapar je n terus tido. Dia nangis sampai badan dia lembek. Haaa time tu aku dah tak senang duduk. Aku dah nangis macam ape je. Aku takut dia dehydrated. Aku cakap ngan Umi aku nak balik. Aku terus call en.hubby bincang n terus en.hubby kata aku balik. Aku terus cek the earliest flight balik kul 8.55 pagi Ahad tu....

Aku sampai tengahari tu kat KL, Aiman still tak minum pape lagi. Air kosong je. Tu pun sket. Bila first time aku dapat dukung dia dalam keta lepas aku sampai tu, aku rasa dahi dia kering. Tak cukup air la tu. Aku terus breastfeed dia... Sian sangat aiman. Badan dia memang lembek la..

Malam tu Aiman seems okey je. Dia dah gelak2. Minum pun banyak. Kencing pun okey. Pupu dia a little bit pekat tak macam biasa tapi dahi dia still kering lagi. Tapi aku happy sangat anak aku okey je... Benda lain aku pikir nanti je. Yang penting skang ni my son.

World doesn't matter to me now. He's my world :)

November 23, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Happy 23rd Anniversary Sayang!!

Nape yang ke-23??

Sebab kitaorang sambut every month!!

Takla every month kena candlelight dinner.

Just wishing each other a lovely wishes.

Call us a loser ke hopeless romantic ke saya peduli hape.

As long as we're happy. Ever after. Hopefully :)

I love you, my other half.

November 20, 2008

Aku malas nak pegi

This Saturday night will be the longest night ever.

The night without Aiman by my side.

Yes. Aiman my little angel.

Not with me starting this Saturday.

Not being able to hold him in my arms.

Sing a lullaby to him.

Rocking him until he sleeps.

Breastfeed him.

Look into his eyes. His sweet 'sepet' eyes.

Change his diapers.

Bath him. Put his clothes on.

Talk to him. Listen to him 'talking' back at me.

And the worst part is....

Can't kiss him. Kiss his 'tembam putih' cheeks.

Arghhhhhhhh!!! I hate this feeling :(

p/s : Daddy, I need you!

Kemanakah Tujuan Selepas Ini??

Okay, officially en.hubby dapat posting kat Hospital Kajang.
Aku tak penah pegi spital ni.
Best ke?
Ada sesiapa tau?

Alhamdulillah at least suamiku takla kena campak jejauh sampai ke hulu.
At least still in KL.

p/s: Selama aku dari skolah rendah sampai la Uni (except ke Jogja), aku tak penah kuar KL lagi :p

November 19, 2008

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety and stranger anxiety occur when your child develops the mental ability to remember objects and people when they are no longer present, a skill called object permanence. Once your child has this skill he or she will probably search for his favorite toy when it has been put away or drops out of sight and cry whenever you are not in sight, because his memory is still incomplete and he has no sense of time, he believes that once you leave, you are gone forever. Stranger anxiety tends to develop in association with separation anxiety as the child gets better at telling the difference between familiar and unfamiliar faces and becomes more fearful of faces he doesn't know.

Most children exhibit some degree of separation anxiety around 6 to 8 months of age that lasts for 2 to 4 months; however, the age of the child and duration of the anxiety may vary greatly. Many children go through a second phase of separation anxiety around 18 months of age that eases as communication skills improve, and some children develop severe separation anxiety at night even when mom and dad are in the next room. A child's temperament plays a big role in the degree and duration of separation anxiety, so a child who adapts to new changes easily will probably have less anxiety than a child who has a difficult time with change.

-->Okay, Aiman skang dah 5 bulan nak masuk 6 bulan. maybe dia akan rasa separation anxiety nih. Tapi kalau pegi ke tempat2 dia tak biasa ke takde la pulak dia nangis. Aiman memang tak slalu nangis. Good boy anak mommy ni. Kalau malam pun mak uda dia bawak kuar dari bilik ke turun bawah ke dia takla nangis. So hopefully Aiman tak meragam sangat bila mommy nak pegi sabtu nih

Symptoms of normal separation anxiety include increasing unease and crying when separated from you or when you show signs of leaving. He or she may also exhibit whining, clinginess or insistence on physical contact with you, shyness, unusual silence, and an unwillingness to interact with others, even if they are familiar.

What to Do?

The root cause of separation anxiety is your child's inability to understand that you will return at some point after you leave, so teaching your child this concept will help him get over separation anxiety more quickly. Games such as peek-a-boo and "where's the baby?" are helpful in demonstrating this idea. To play "where's the baby," cover your baby's head with a small blanket or towel and ask "where's the baby?" and then pull the cloth off your baby's head and say "There you are!" You can also put the blanket over your head and let him pull it off you. You can also play a simplified version of hide-and-seek by partially hiding yourself behind a piece of furniture and then calling to your baby to come find you.

-->Slalu gak main nyorok2 ngan dia. Permainan yang paling Aiman suka kot. Main mommy nyorok dalam selimut la, Cover muka ngan bantal la, tutup muka ngan tangan etc. Dia akan tergelak n tersenyum je. So mommy dah well trained kan anak mommy nih :)

You can also practice trial separations with your baby. Tell him that you will be going into another room and that you'll be back soon. Repeat the assurances as you leave and talk to him from the other room to demonstrate that you still exist, even though he cannot see you. After a few moments, come back in the room. Gradually increase the length of these practice separations and he will eventually learn that it's okay if you are gone for a little while and that you'll always return.

When you do leave your baby, don't sneak away when he isn't looking; this will frighten and confuse him and will only exacerbate his feeling of abandonment. Instead, make your good-byes short and sweet when you leave. Tell your baby you love him, give him a kiss, say good-bye and tell him that you'll be back soon and then leave. Resist the temptation to return if he begins crying - this will only make it more difficult and develop bad habits. Also try to fight back any tears of your own if your baby gets upset, as hard as it may be to leave him. If she sees or senses that you are agonizing over the separation, it will only enhance his fear and insecurity. Try giving your baby favorite objects to comfort him while you're away, especially something that smells like you, such as your pajamas or a soft sweater you recently wore.

-->Ni dah slalu buat hehe. Kalau nak turun bawah nak siapkan air mandi dia (Aiman still mandi air panas hehe) when en.hubby takde, nak kena masak ke, sidai baju ke, slalu la mommy kena letak dalam cot dulu, kiss2 dulu cakap bye2, "Mommy turun bawah jap ye Aiman. Jangan nangis tau". Slalu tu okey je la. Tapi kengkadang tu meradang gak dia hehe. Kalau dia tegah baring elok je tu, dia akan main2 ngan jari2 dia. Buat2 kira jari la, macam angkat tangan baca doa pun ada hehe. Tapi kalau dia tengah meniarap tu kejap je dia tahan. Pastu mesti bising. Penat la tu :p

Separation anxiety is worse when your child is tired, hungry or sick, so try to avoid leaving if she's ill, and feed her before you go, and make sure she gets her nap that day. This is also not the time to try out a new babysitter, so if possible, choose a caregiver that your child knows well. However, if you do have to use an unfamiliar sitter, have him or her spend extra time getting to know your baby before you leave and make sure your child is comfortable with the individual before you say good-bye.

-->Aiman akan tinggal ngan nenek n atuk dia (my parents) selama 6 minggu la. So sebabkan dia dah biasa ngan nenek atuk, i made the decision to let nenek n atuk bela jap. Kejap je ye Aiman. Kalau mommy bleh balik weekend, mommy amek the first flight home :) Mommy loves you!!!

November 17, 2008


Got this for my farewell gift. Farewell to my hubby, to me and Aiman nanti. Hmmmm.. Nak baca dalam plane to Jogja nanti. 

Can't wait for us to be reunited again nanti. Sabar ye Daddy and Aiman :)


Goodbye Sayang. Drive carefully. Jaga diri bebaik kat induksi tu. Orang takde tu makesure you take care of yourself. Cepat balik tengok kiteorang ye.

Goodbye Daddy. Daddy balik cepat tau. Aiman nak main ngan daddy. Boringla daddy takde. Sape nak dukung Aiman?

Goodbye my other half.

p/s : napela doktor pun kena gi btn kat hutan??

November 13, 2008


Saya telah ditagging oleh Puan Yah. Beliau bilang kalau bosan jawab la. Skang saya bosan. Laki kuar. Anak tido. Keje umah sume dah bereh. So saya jawab tagging.

Starting time : 10.48 pm

Name : Na'eemah

Sister(s) : 3-younger. I'm the eldest

Brother(s) : 2-younger

Shoe size : 6 or 7. kaki panjang

Height : 156 cm kot

Where do you live : Subang Jaya, Selangor

Have you ever been on a plane : Banyak kali. Next week nak naik lagi. boring tol.

Swam in the ocean : Penah. Tpi tak suka. Swimming pool okey sket.

Fallen asleep at school : Perkara biasa. Macam dah ada dalam timetable sekolah je. 

Broken someone’s heart : Entahla. 

Fell off your chair : Tak ingat la pulak. Saya pengontrol orangnya hehe.

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Penah. 

Saved e-mails : Email boipren (skang en.hubby) dulu2 sampai skang saya simpan :)

What is your room like : Tidy. Takleh la barang nak sepah sket. Serabut kepala.

What’s right beside you: Aiman. tengah tido. makan ubat tadi. sian dia.

What is the last thing you ate : Cheese tart. Yummy!

Ever had…Chicken pox : Kecik2. 6 tahun kot. satu umah kena.

Sore throat : Baru kena bulan lepas. Sampai takde suara dah.

Stitches : Appendix, C-sec. Banyak tol tuh.

Broken nose : TAk penah. 

Do you believe in love at first sight : MAybe.

Like picnics : Suke.

Who was/were…The last person you danced with : Aiman. Joget2 sambil dukung dia hehe.

Last made you smile : Aiman. Banyak mengomel je skang.

You last yelled at : Kucing Upin ngan Ipin tu. Tadi naik atas meja.

Today did you…Talk to someone you like : Aiman, Umi, Adik, en.Hubby.

Kissed anyone : Aiman.

Get sick : Not today.

Talk to an ex : No.

Miss someone : en.hubby dan aiman.

Who do you really hate: Beruk.

Do you like your hand-writing : dah lama tak menulis nih.

Are your toe nails painted : Tidak.

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : Umi's bed. Comforter dia best!

What color shirt are you wearing now : Purple. Baju Uda.

Are you a friendly person : Bolehla. en. Hubby lagi friendly. hehe

Do you have any pets : Kucing Upin ngan Ipin tuh Adik punya.

Do you sleep with the TV on: Mesti.

What are you doing right now : Jawab tagging Puan Yah ini.

Can you handle the truth : Can. Harus. Life must go on.

Are you closer to your mother or father : My Umi.

Do you eat healthy : Nope. Tapi everytime makan makesure ada sayur. Lagipun asya allergic telur, kacang, santsn. Cukup healthy dah kan?

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : Takde.

If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : SUbang Parade. hehe 

Are you loud or quiet most of the time : Banyak cakap.

Are you confident : Nope.

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
-amek PMR
-Duk asrama. Tak best. Jadi Pemberontak.
-anti gila lelaki.
-mencari identiti diri sendiri.
-kena inject tetanus

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
-aku tanak keje. nak duk umah je.
-bagi mak bapak la.
-buat umah besoooo.
-simpan untuk aiman blajar nanti.
-buat umah untuk umi abah mama abah kita duk skali :)

5 of my bad habits
-fikir macam2. yang buruk2 okey.
-slalu leka.
-too depend on my hubby.
-suka tangguh keje.
-slalu plan lain, jadi lain. hmmm

5 places I’ve lived/living
-greenwood-umah nenek
-taman berlian,gombak
-subang jaya

End : 11.07 pm

Goodbye dearie :(

I may not get to see you as often as I like
I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night.
But deep in my heart I truly know,
you're the one that I love, my precious,
and I have to let you go.

To Aiman,

Jap je ye mommy pegi.
Daddy pun pegi kursus induksi yang ntahapeapentah tu pun kejap je.
Daddy nanti balik jenguk Aiman.
Mommy kalau bleh balik mommy terbang balik tengok Aiman.
Aiman duk ngan nenek n atuk k?
Jangan noti tau!
Mommy sayang Aiman.
Nanti kita jumpa lagi :)

November 12, 2008

Adik Khatam Quran

9 Nov yang lepas, telah berlangsung satu majlis yang dipanggil Majlis Idul Ilmi (MII) atau sama la jugak ngan Majlis Akhir Tahun sekolah agama adik saya, merangkap sekolah yang mak saya punya, merangkap gak sekolah tempat adik saya yang satu lagi mengajar. Buat kat Grand Ballroom Hotel Summit tu. So kalau ada sesiapa yang nak cakap kat adik saya "ingat sekolah ni bapak ko yang punya?!" boleh la adik saya dengan selamba menjawab memang YA!! hehe :p

Adik saya yang sekolah kat sini adalah adik saya yang last sekali. Dia take part in Khatam Quran and Drama Tari. Adik saya yang mengajar kat sini adalah adik saya yang nombor 3. Dia take part dalam mengajar budak2 ni persembahan boleh dikatakan dalam sume acara!!

Ada acara story telling, fashion show (paling cute!), zapin (persembahan terbaik), sajak, drama tari etc etc. tapi tak amek gambar pun sebab tengok dah ada professional photographer amek, so malasla nak gi depan tu snap pics.

Aiman awal2 tu tido je. Orang bising2 pun nyanyi nasyid pakai mic dia buat dekkk je hehe. Bestla anak mommy ni :)

Khatam Quran

Dapat hadiah matapelajaran terbaik

Kat meja n depan grand ballroom


Aiman ngan atuk

Hubby n wifey (saya gemok!)

Mommy sayanggg Aiman!! Muahhh..

November 6, 2008

Aiman Si Segala-galanya

Dapat benda ni dari Puan Yah. Saja nak share ngan korang sume.

1. You finally stop to smell the roses, because your baby is in your arms.

- Yes very true. Tiap saat asyik cium pipi gebu n bau busuk masam dia. better than the smell of roses :)

2. Where you once believed you were fearless, you now find yourself afraid.

- aku dari dulu mmg penakut. tapi sejak ada baby, lagi tambah takut. takut dia seseme, batuk, demam, mcm2 la..

3. The sacrifices you thought you made to have a child no longer seem like sacrifices.

- Yup. macam sacrifices tu benda biasa dah buat.

4. You respect your body ... finally.

- Still tidak. Camne nak hilang lemak kat perut, peha ni??

5. You respect your parents and love them in a new way.

- Yes. Dah kurang melawan dan menjawab mak sendiri. Semakin rapat lagi ngan umi.

6. You find that your baby's pain feels much worse than your own.

- Haah. tak sanggup tengok dia takleh tido time seseme takleh nafas.

7. You believe once again in the things you believed in as a child.

- Mmm of course.Skang asyik tengok movie transformer yang lame je.

8. You lose touch with the people in your life whom you should have banished years ago.

- Mmmm tak paham sangat ni.

9. Your heart breaks much more easily.

- Yup. Jadi sensitive terlebih2 pulak.

10. You think of someone else 234,836,178,976 times a day.

- Nope. I am with him 24 hours a day :)

11. Every day is a surprise.

- Haah. Ada je benda baru nak blajar pasal dia hehe

12. Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please you. (Hooray for poop!)

- Haha. Ye kot. Tapi kengkadang uwekkk gak.

13. You look at your baby in the mirror instead of yourself.

- Takleh bagi baby tengok cermin la. Orang tua2 kata. (kan Yah? :p)

14. You become a morning person.

- Boring tol. But anything for my baby.

15. Your love becomes limitless, a superhuman power.

- Yes. Lebih sket untuk dia dari love untuk en.hubby (jangan marah sayang!)

16. "You discover how much there is to say about one tooth."

- Very true. Pasal breastfeeding pun dah banyak nak story.

17. "You finally realize that true joy doesn't come from material wealth.”

- True joy definitely come from both, material wealth and also your child :)

18. "You now know where the sun comes from."

- Err... sebelah timur??

19. "You'd rather buy a plastic tricycle than those shoes that you've been dying to have."

- Dah lama saya tak bershopping untuk diri sendiri.

20. "You realize that although sticky, lollipops have magical powers."

- Belum. Skang ni nangis je sumbat puting hehehe. Man will always be man hehe.

21. "You don't mind going to bed at 9 p.m. on Friday night."

- Skang ni ada can tido mesti tidonye. Sebelum si kecik bangun.

22. "Silence? What's that?"

- I love to hear my son's voice :)

23. "You realize that the 15 pounds you can't seem to get rid of are totally worth having."

- Bolehlaa.. tapi nak get rid gak!

24. "You discover an inner strength you never thought you had."

- Yes. I managed to get through with my pain labour for 6 hours, without en.hubby di sisi and end up kena C-sec.pastu kena endure the pain for breastfeeding.

25. "You no longer rely on a clock — your baby now sets your schedule."

- Haha very true.

26. "You give parents with a screaming child an 'I-know-the-feeling' look instead of a 'Can't-they-shut-him-up?' one."

- Tak gak. Kesian baby diorang nangis.

27. "Your cat — who used to be your 'baby' — becomes just a cat."

- Ada cat kat umah tapi still macam baby. Suke menggesel2.

28. "You take the time for one more hug and kiss even if it means you'll be late."

- Yes. MEsti!

29. "You learn that taking a shower is a luxury."

- Sangat. Dapat syampoo rambut pun kira dah best sangat.

30. "You realize that you can love a complete stranger."

- Yup. Budak2 sungguh cumel skang ni.

31. You find yourself wanting to make this world a better place.

- Nak create ubat untuk skin disease. Si kecik alergic food, sama cam saya :)

32. If you didn’t believe in love at first sight before, now you do!

- I love him the first time i knew i had a human growing inside me :)

The love of my life :)

November 1, 2008

Which one are you?

Found this website at this blog.

The blogger is an Anesthesiologist and apparently have her own comic named Scutmonkey Comics.

I'm her silent reader since last year and her 'secret admirer'. I admire how she managed to do her residency, wife to a husband who also doing his residency and at the same time trying to raise her new born baby boy (and she managed to breastfeed her son until 1 year old!).

Now she is an Anesthesiologist somewhere in Atlanta, her husband is an Ophthamologist and her handsome son is 3 years old.

Oh I wish I have the perseverence like her.

Below are from her comics, "thetwelvemedstudents". I guess I'm the 'Sane One', a little bit of 'The Missing', not 'The Overly Academic', hoping that I have some of 'The Sensitive Soul' and kadang2 I'm 'The Twelve Year Old'. Hehe.

So which one are you? 

Which one do you want to be?

Which one will you be?

You decide.

p/s : 'The Gunner' tu macam Cristina Yang dalam Grey's Anatomy kan?

p/s/s : Boleh ke aku amek orang ni punya komik ha? :p

~Our Little Family~